About Me

I have lived in Lake Havasu City, Arizona for over 23 years, originally from Artesia, California. I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Health and Wellness Coaching. I also hold an A.A. in Behavioral Health Sciences. I am an experienced  class content developer and educator in Stress Management, Goal Setting, and Time Management classes at Mohave County Committee on Judicial Education & Training conferences.  Beyond my formal education, I have been a lifelong student on all things relating to behavior and the power of mindset. I have read countless books on the topic and logged over hundreds of hours reading scholarly journals to gain additional insight & understanding. However, my greatest insight comes from the greatest teacher of all... Life. Self sabotage, limiting core beliefs, disappointment, and ultimately tragedy was the rocket fuel for my metamorphosis. 

During times of difficulty, I read, researched, and understood the capacity of our ability to not only survive difficulty but to use those difficulties to propel us and become our strength. Our response to the difficulties in our life define who we are. 

My life experiences have truly afforded me the ability to develop resilience and tap into an enormous strength that exists inside of all of us. This strength can be harnessed and used to achieve goals, lifelong dreams, and genuine happiness. 

I have been gifted with insight to help others see things from an empowering perspective that can break any limiting thoughts you may struggle with. My coaching technique includes motivation, inspiration, compassion, and encouragement. I help you design a plan for your life that is centered around your personal goals and hold you accountable as you create small habits to help build a bridge to your destination. 

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